Study Guide Rhapsody of Realities June 4 2023: TESTIFY OF HIS DEATH
Written By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
The Holy Communion is a powerful sacrament with curative powers. It symbolizes the body and blood of Christ, reminding believers of His sacrifice and the New Testament sealed in His blood. When taken with understanding, it can be a source of divine health and strength, overpowering any form of sickness or disease. It’s essential for believers to grasp the significance of this act, as it’s a proclamation of health, vibrancy, and victory over sin and disease. This understanding of the Holy Communion can be a transformative revelation for believers worldwide, enhancing their spiritual growth and physical well-being.
Key Verse
1 Corinthians 10:16 (MSG) – “When we drink the cup of blessing, aren’t we taking into ourselves the blood, the very life, of Christ? And isn’t it the same with the loaf of bread we break and eat? Don’t we take into ourselves the body, the very life, of Christ?”
Key Points
- Curative Powers of the Holy Communion: The Holy Communion is not just a religious ritual but a sacrament with curative powers. It symbolizes the body and blood of Christ, and when taken with understanding, it administers life and healing to the body. Its potency surpasses any medication.
- The Importance of Understanding: Lack of understanding hinders the power of God’s Word from producing results in our lives. By grasping the spiritual significance of the Holy Communion, believers can experience divine health, vibrancy, and victory over sickness and disease.
- Commemorating Christ’s Sacrifice: When believers partake in the Holy Communion, they commemorate the vicarious death of Christ, who was the sacrificial Lamb given for their redemption. The “Cup” represents the New Testament sealed in His blood, providing forgiveness of sins and dominion over sin.
- Proclamations of Health and Strength: By taking the Holy Communion with understanding, believers can declare their freedom from sickness, weakness, and defeat. They can confidently affirm their health, vibrancy, and strength, recognizing the transformative power of Jesus’ sacrifice.
Key Bible Passages for Further Study
1 Corinthians 10:16-17
16Â The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
17Â For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread.
1 Corinthians 11:23-25
23Â For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:
24Â And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
25Â After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me
Dear Father, I thank you for the body of Jesus that was broken for me so that I’Il never be broken, sick, weak, or defeated. Thank you for His blood that was shed for the remission of sins, and by which I’ve become a partaker and distributor of the divine life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Today’s devotional emphasizes the importance of taking the Holy Communion with understanding. It highlights the curative powers of this sacrament, symbolizing the body and blood of Christ. By grasping the significance of the Holy Communion, believers can experience divine health, vibrancy, and victory over sin and disease.
Commemorating Christ’s sacrifice and proclaiming health and strength through this act can lead to transformative revelations and enhance believers’ spiritual growth and physical well-being.
Remember, the goal of the study guide is to deepen your understanding of the devotional and apply its teachings to your life. Take your time with each step, and don’t rush the process. The more time you spend reflecting and applying, the more you’ll gain from the study.
 God Bless You. Today’s Devotional is also available in Audio.
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Keweno has been reading and distributing Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional since 2001.