Study Guide  Rhapsody of Realities June 2 2023: WE’RE HIS HOLY SANCTUARY

Written By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome


The key takeaway from today’s devotional is the profound understanding that as believers, we are the temple of God, with His Spirit dwelling within us. This divine indwelling sanctifies us, making us holy and blameless in His sight. Our sanctity surpasses that of Mount Sinai, which was declared holy merely by God’s presence. As God’s holy sanctuary, we are called to walk in the light of this truth, reigning over sin, Satan, and circumstances, and serving God joyously in love. This understanding of our divine sanctity as believers is a powerful testament to our faith and a cornerstone of our spiritual identity.

Key Verse

1 Corinthians 3:16 – “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

Key Points

  1. God’s Holy Sanctuary: Believers are the temple of God, with His Spirit dwelling within them. This divine indwelling sanctifies and makes them holy and blameless in God’s sight. The presence of God in believers exceeds the holiness of Mount Sinai.
  2. Our Heavenly Calling: As holy brethren and partakers of the heavenly calling, believers stand in God’s presence as people who are holy, faultless, and innocent. This divine positioning is a result of God’s peace and reconciliation through Christ.
  3. Sanctified by God’s Word: Through the washing of water by the Word, Christ sanctifies and cleanses the Church, presenting believers to Himself as glorious, without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. This truth affirms believers’ holy and blameless nature.
  4. Living in Victory: Understanding our sanctity empowers believers to walk in the light of this truth. By reigning over sin, Satan, and circumstances, believers can serve God joyously in love, experiencing victory in every aspect of life.

Key Bible Passages for Further Study

  • Colossians 1:21-22
  • 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
  • Hebrews 3:1


Dear Father, thank you for your divine presence in me that makes me holy, unblameable and unreproveable in your sight. walk in the light of this truth, and reign over sin, Satan and circumstances. I’m victorious all the way, serving you joyously in love, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Today’s devotional highlights the significance of believers as God’s holy sanctuary. It emphasizes the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, which sanctifies and makes believers holy and blameless. This understanding surpasses the holiness of Mount Sinai and empowers believers to walk in victory, serving God joyously in love. By embracing their divine sanctity, believers can live out their heavenly calling and demonstrate the power and truth of their faith.

Remember, the goal of the study guide is to deepen your understanding of the devotional and apply its teachings to your life. Take your time with each step, and don’t rush the process. The more time you spend reflecting and applying, the more you’ll gain from the study.

 God Bless You.  Today’s Devotional is also available in Audio.

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